Head Tracking

When flying in competitions in Condor, it is important to be able to look around while flying. Scanning for traffic and reading clouds is very difficult to do by manually moving a control to change your view. The best solution is a VR setup. The VR headset will track your head movements and give a very realistic view which is only limited by how much you can turn your head. But if you are not ready to spend the money on a VR headset or get motion sickness from VR, a head tracker is the next best thing.

An IR head band is attached to your head or headphones and is tracked by an infrared camera on top of your screen. A newer method is to use a regular webcam and software to track your facial movements. The plus of this method is you do not need to purchase an IR head band and you do not need to wear it. The minus is the software takes up a lot more resources trying to process where your face is pointing and it is less accurate than the IR trackers. The IR trackers prefer a darker room where both the face trackers and VR need a brighter room.

Popular Head trackers:

Delan Clip

Track IR

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