Simple Utility to copy your Custom .GAU files back after a Condor 3 Update

Here a little DOS Batch File Utility whipped up by John Blyth ( to make it easy to re-copy your modified .gau files back to Condor 3 after an update. They may have been overwritten if the glider's .gau file has been refreshed by the Condor 3 update. A copy of the original Condor3 .gau file will be automatically generated with the name GliderName_Date_Time.gau in case you wish to revert to the standard version.

Version 1.0 26th December, 2024

See John Blyth's CupXtools website for more a zipped file of this and other Condor 3 utilities:-

Here's the code for you, otherwise just download the zipped file linked above:-

@echo off

REM ***** Buy John Blyth *****

REM ***** Place this batch file in the same folder that all your modified .gau files reside in. *****

REM ***** Run it after each Condor 3 update to restore your modified .gau files *****

REM ***** The standard .gau file will be saved with the current date and time added *****

REM ***** Modify the next line ONLY if your Condor 3 installation is NOT in the C:\Condor3 Folder *****

set CondorLocation=C:\Condor3

set _time=%TIME:0,2%-%TIME:3,2%-%TIME:~6,2%

set /a count = 0

for %%f in (*.gau) do (

if exist "%CondorLocation%\Planes%%nf%%f" ren "%CondorLocation%\Planes%%nf%%f" "%%nf_%DATE:/=%_%_time%%%xf"

xcopy "%%f" "%CondorLocation%\Planes%%~nf%%f" /-I /F

set /a count += 1



echo %count% .gau files were copied to your %CondorLocation% folders




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