CondorUTill - Utilities for the Condor Soaring Simulator

Marc Till has created a number of superb Condor Utilities, which are available from:-

Most Condor 3 pilots use at least one of Marc's utilities, in particular:-

  • CoTaCo: COndor TAsk COnverter

    Converts Condor flight plans (.fpl) to XCSoar (.tsk) or LK8000 (.lkt) or See You tasks (.cup).

  • CoTASA: COndor True Air Speed Alarm

    Displays True Air Speed (TAS) and sounds an alarm.Optionally, artificial horizon, water ballast, flaps settings and some other data may be displayed.

  • CoMoMap: COndor MOving MAP

    CoMoMap is an external navigation software for Condor, derived from VerifLocal. It displays a moving map at various pre-selected scales

    It can compute the extensive reachable area, and the path to the next Turn Point

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