Use Your Own Turnpoints in Condor

The turnpoints within a Landscape can be edited. It is possible to add airports to a Landscape but it is a much bigger process than editing turnpoints. Airports in Condor Forum

You will need a turnpoint file in .cup (SeeYou) format.

  1. Navigate to the Documents>Condor3>Turnpoints Folder (Make sure you are in the Documents or My Documents folder. There is also a .cup file in the Landscapes folder of the install directory. That is the default file. Condor does not read that file.)
  2. You will see .cup files named after each Landscape you have installed and opened (note: the turnpoint file is not created until you open the Landscape with Condor)
  3. Make a copy of the .cup file you want to edit in case you need the original later.
  4. There are two ways you could edit the file:
    1. Open the Landscape .cup file with Notepad and copy the turnpoints from your .cup file into the Landscape's file.
    2. Rename your .cup identically as the Landscape's filename.
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