External Glide Computers Intro

Condor can be used with external glide computers including:

  1. LX9070

Condor 3 comes with the option to use the LX9070 instead of the stock Condor PDA. To enable enter Condor Setup, select ‘Options’ tab and select the 'Use LX9070' checkbox.

  1. XCSoar/LK8000

You can use the device that you use in your real life airplane and connect via Bluetooth or Wifi. VR users can run XCSoar/LK8000 on their PC and pin the window into VR.

  1. SeeYou Navigator/Oudie

Can be connected by Bluetooth.

  1. CoMoMap

CoMoMap is a Condor specific app that can be run on your PC and pinned in VR

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