Using XCSoar/LK8000/LX9070 in VR - AutoHotKey
Once you have connected XCSoar to Condor and pinned it to your screen, the next problem you will likely find is that you can not control it while flying. The Condor screen will be in focus and keys that you assign to XCSoar will not work. The solution is AutoHotKey. AutoHotKey is a great program but it takes a lot to learn how to program it properly. Ryan Wood created an excellent app to help program the keys. You only need to program the keys once then just open the program each time you open Condor.
To use this:
- Download the AHK script (requires you have AutoHotKey 1.1 installed) or the .exe file (does not require AHK) from releases: (if you use the .exe you will get warnings from your browser and computer about it. It is safe to use.)
- XCSoar: Copy the custom_keys.xci file to your XCSoar directory. In XCSoar go to config > system > language/input > events and choose this xci file.
- LK8000: Copy the DEFAULT_MENU.TXT file into the _System directory (rename or overwrite the existing file). Go to config > LK8000 Setup > Device Setup > Add a Device Model QWERTY Keyboard with Device Name Generic.
- LXSim: No additional configuration required. The script will send the appropriate keystrokes directly to LXSim.
- Run the AutoHotKey script and map keys/buttons or joystick axes, d-pad or HAT/POV to the various functions. Keep in mind that any keys you assign will not be available to other programs. So don't use the same keys that you do in Condor.